July 25, 2011

The last days of work at St. Louis

I am officially finished working at St. Louis, my employer for the last year. Now I am in Michigan visiting everyone and I wanted to post pictures from the last week or so of my students and coworkers.

Getting a drink with my foreign coworkers - Pete wouldn't be in the shot, he took the picture ha.

The entire St. Louis staff at my going away dinner.

Kelly and Olivia, two girls I taught until this past March. Now they are in elementary school and seem so grown up.

The girls and Julia from EB. Julia is the sweetest student in the entire planet.

EB, one of my all time favorite classes.






KA playing in the gym

Jinny is great at jumping

Joseph dancing

In the elevator, going to OZ gym

AA, Hair Braiding 101

Martin and Mina

KE making bouncy balls in Science Lab

KA growing coral for Science Lab

EA learning to live without opposable thumbs for our adaptations lab

KO's bouncy ball lab

EN1 working on phonics

KR made monkey masks

KE working on science workbooks

More monkey masks with KR

Jinny being silly

Joseph and KA made little fingerprint ants

It has been a great year. I know I will miss my students immensely. Its been an amazing experience - watching them grow up while improving and developing their English skills. My students truly are brilliant, and have taught me so much. Luckily, I will be back in August and will be able to visit the school.

July 23, 2011

Boryeong Mud Festival

I went with a group of friends to Mudfest. It is pretty much exactly how it sounds. Get on a bus and go up to an area known for its mud flats. We spent the day going down mud slides, traversing through mud obstacle courses, mud wrestling, and finally showering off in the ocean.

The pictures are from Laura's camera - we had these thick rubber bags to store money, phones, and cameras inside. The festival seemed like it would be a kid friendly one, except for all of the drunk foreigners wandering around. Not a family affair, but I highly recommend it to anyone wanting to spend a weekend day drinking, running around muddy in the sun.

I can't wait to go back next year.

July 18, 2011

Jangsa Beach Weekend

Two weeks ago a bunch of us headed out for a beach weekend. It rained the entire time, but overall it was a great time. I didn't even take my camera out of my backpack - it was too wet. Luckily, Laura let me use hers and she got some good shots too.

We had to ford a river to get from the pension to the beach party.

Some of us were better at playing in the rain than others.

It was a beautiful area; the rock formations and fog were really breath-taking.

July 6, 2011

Drinks and such

Here are some shots from downtown over the last month or so. They're from all over - Laura's and Blair's cameras, too - and have been taken by random people.

If you see me out anywhere with a jenga game- I will be playing, no doubt about it. Korea does an impressive job of stocking activities at bars.

Geoff came home, finally! Rui occasionally destroys my jenga games out of jealousy (due to my mad jenga skills).

One time, Laura broke her foot. She was a trooper, though. Now her foot is healed and she is happier.

Mostly I go out on the weekends to get an alcoholic juice box - drink in a bag, and Greeks Kebabs (which are really gyros to me).

The fake glasses have come out of retirement.

For Canada Day, we became professional wrestlers. It was very patriotic.

Blair, my new coworker, is fun.

Rui and I drink pitchers of beer bigger than his head.

Only in Korea would I take the elevator upstairs to the bar.

There is always something to celebrate.