October 26, 2013

5 for Friday: Cave Junction, Oregon

Starting this week, on Fridays I will be posting entries with five pictures from a specific location.
This week is Cave Junction, Oregon. This was my first location site for Americorps NCCC (I resigned from, but that will be a longer post at some point in the future). I lived in a cabin on a nature ranch, and a wonderful friend, Mike from Korea, mailed me a fixed 50mm lens. I wandered around the property every few days, taking pictures and learning how to control the focal point with what is still one of my favorite pieces of camera equipment.

Here are five photos from around the property in beautiful Southern Oregon in November 2012:

It is easy to dwell on the negative aspects of life anywhere, and this is no exception, but I really loved Oregon's landscape. I hated pulling poison oak for hours every day and living in a crowded cabin. But, it was wonderful to have such an amazing backdrop. I was given the opportunity to learn new skills, try now things, and learn about myself. Focus on the good, of course. 

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